Health Topics

Healthy Living


Happiness and Health: The Endorphin Effect

Prof Adrian Kennedy
Humankind is motivated by the pursuit of health, wealth and happiness. Health and wealth seem more practicably achievable with much research being published on how to achieve these.

The earliest researchers in emotions, including Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud, have substantiated the correlation between emotions and brain, nervous system, hormones and internal organ function. In 1950, American psychologists James Olds and Peter Melner discovered what they named ‘the pleasure centre of the brain’. In their experiment, rats were implanted with electrodes in the pleasure centre of their brains. Most of the rats were so taken with the pleasure sensation, that this took precedence over food, water and sleep. Similar stimulation in the human brain has elicited responses of smiling, laughter, happiness and euphoria.

An earlier major breakthrough in understanding the neural basis of positive emotions came in the 1970s when American neuroscientists Solomon Meyer and Candice Pert discovered that our brains produced endorphins, a kind of internal morphine. Receptors for endorphins called opiate receptors were found not only in the brain but in all parts of the human body. When released by the pituitary gland and by neurons in the hypothalamus in the brain, endorphins suppressed pain. In addition, pleasurable feelings that activated endorphins include eating, touching, singing, listening to music, meditation, prayer, sexual activity, yoga, stretching, exercise and sleep. All were found to activate the release of endorphins by the brain. Pert went out to explain that the release of endorphins if regulated would have a key effect on managing emotions and improving health.

William Bloom outlines a procedure by which we can control and increase the release of endorphins in the body in order not only to enhance happiness, but also to improve health. His method requires that each of us list out the things that bring us pleasure, make us smile, give us happiness and make us feel good.
He has divided the list into the following categories:-
  • Places
  • People and pets
  • Activities
  • Experiences
  • Spiritual symbols
  • Scents , colours, taste, sounds etc
Places list - Get a sheet of paper and head it places; then list the places that you adore. Places that you have visited or want to visit that make you feel good. The place could be a city or village or a location like a mountain, sea, river, lake, a home, a chapel or temple, an office or a resort or spa. Use your imagination. Remember a happy nostalgic, location.

People and Pets list – Under this heading name all the people, pets and animals that you really like. It could be from the present or the past, somebody you know or don’t. It could be from family, friends, or a character from a movie.

Activities List – In your activities list include those things that you like. This will be different for various people. For some it could be wandering around the supermarket, for others it could be sitting at home watching TV. Some people are knitters, others are joggers, some people love walking, some movies, massage or sex.
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